Faith: The Heart of Life and Living
Last week we spent our time in Luke 9:37-43 talking about the power of faith. If we wish to understand the power of faith, we need to believe that God will do precisely what He said. The key to understanding the point of this story is found in Luke 9:41. Jesus was living among people who refused to believe. Will we believe the word of God? The power of faith consists in believing what God has said is true and allowing that to shape and conform your life accordingly.
What is Faith?
Faith is believing what God says is true just because He says it.
Hebrews 11:1: Now faith is the certainty of things hoped for, a proof of things not seen.
The Assent of Faith: Hebrews 11:1 - focus on the word “certainty.”
Think “substance” or “content.” Or, Actual being or reality.
Spiritual faith is a god-wrought conviction that the promises and truths of Scripture are true.
Ephesians 2:20: built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the cornerstone.
Assent alone does not equal salvation.
Knowledge about the facts of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection is not enough—people can know facts but rebel against them or ignore them.
Romans 1:32: although they know the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of death, they not only do the same, but also approve of those who practice them.
James 2:19: You believe that God is one. Good! Even the demons believe—and they shudder.
Nicodemus knew Jesus was from God (John 3:2), but yet he didn’t believe.
John 3:12: If I have told you about earthly things and you don’t believe, how will you believe if I tell you about heavenly things? At this point, Nicodemus has failed to believe “in” Jesus.
Trusting Faith
2 Timothy 1:12: I am not ashamed, because I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that he is able to guard what has been entrusted to me until that day.
John 3:16: For God loved the world in this way: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.
The act of relying on him and his work - instead of ourselves and our works - is the very essence of faith.
Salvation does not come by lawkeeping… it comes by the promise of God.
Romans 4:13: For the promise to Abraham or to his descendants that he would inherit the world was not through the law, but through the righteousness that comes by faith.
What Does Faith Do?
Hebrews 11:4 - Abel: Faith worships how God says He wants to be worshipped.
Hebrews 11:5 - Enoch: Faith walks with God.
Hebrews 11:7 - Noah: Faith works with God.
Hebrews 11:8 - Abraham: Faith obeys God.
As We Close…
Faith is based upon your attitude toward God.
Luke 9:41: “You unbelieving and perverse generation, how long will I be with you and put up with you?”
Faith does what God says … all obstacles aside. Do you believe?
Heb 11:11 is an inconvenient text for legalism.