Reaching the Lost Via Livestream
Growing congregations are learning to embrace technology effectively.

Earlier this evening, Cornerstone Church of Christ baptized its third and fourth person for 2024—from the local community! Rejoice with us!
Paul & Cynthia were out of church for over 30 years. When they first decided to return to church, they tried the place of worship where one of them had grown up. Only 10-20 people were left (a mainline denomination), and they both didn't like how none of the members brought their Bibles with them to worship. So, they started looking online & found Cornerstone. They watched our livestream for several weeks -- our bible class/worship and Your Pathway Home. Once they felt comfortable, they reached out to us via our website.
They started coming to church. Remember, they knew no one when they first walked in the door. Everyone made them feel welcome, and people have been inviting them out to lunch. Kody and I began a study with them about six weeks ago. Cynthia told me they just wanted a church that took Bible study seriously. They've been to every service. They've not missed a week of study with Kody and me. They take notes. They ask questions. Tonight, they were immersed for the remission of their sins.
Livestreaming your bible classes & worship works. I know some congregations that took theirs down after COVID-19 ended because they were worried about members staying home. We've kept ours going -- and are ramping it up. Over 30 families from all over SW Ohio have become a part of Cornerstone during/after the pandemic. (One family drives 90 minutes each way, and others up to 60 minutes — from a radius all around Centerville.) Several of our new members were baptized from the community, and at least 80% of them are due to our livestream. We have 15 to 30 guests at our service each week, much of it because of the livestream. Cornerstone has also played a role in baptisms across the US because people are tuning in to our service.
If your congregation is not using this medium, you are falling behind. Every dollar you can invest is worth it. We’ve been so blessed with a dedicated tech team — who have collectively spent thousands of hours making our system what it is over the last few years. Many of our members share our feeds via social media — reaching thousands of people locally without spending one dollar on advertising. If your congregation is not active on social media or does not regularly update & promote its website — you are falling behind. With that also comes the follow-up and monitoring of those who reach out. It takes a team to do this. Get your young people involved. It will connect them to the local congregation — and the work of the Lord.
Cornerstone has several additional prospects we’re working with — and ongoing work to do in helping our new Christians grow strong in the Lord. Your prayers for us in these endeavors are always welcome and appreciated.
It’s wonderful that you can field an effective team to make the technology work for the Lord.