Thank You
For visiting From Fear to Faith. This is the home of my personal blog where I post articles and sermons. I want to be an encouragement to you and help you embrace the freedom you have in Jesus Christ.
Almost 20 years ago, I began a journey of discovering and appreciating God’s amazing grace. For the first half of my Christian life, I barely had any assurance of my salvation. Not understanding I was bound in legalism, I believed God’s grace had been demonstrated at the cross, and now it was up to me to follow Jesus and do it all on my own, making sure I did it all right. It was all about my performance. Was I doing enough? Was there something I was doing wrong? Did I hold to all the correct beliefs? One moment I felt good about where I stood with God, the next I was worried I was lost. You see, I understood my relationship with God mostly from the perspective of externals. And ultimately, deep down I was unhappy and miserable from all the anxiety… because you could never be sure, and it was presumptuous to assume you would be saved.
This is no way to live a spiritual life. It is not the way God intends his son or daughter to relate to Him.
I am thankful for those who have helped me along the way come to a better understanding of the kind of relationship God desires to have with us. Over the last 15 years or so I’ve written two books on the subject (this one remains in print) and for about 5 years had a blog where I posted my writing two-three times each week. Now, after 10 years off, I’m starting afresh in the blogging world, with plans for a podcast, a new book, and other projects to go along with it.
Thanks for joining me on the journey! To God be the glory!
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